Adaptable: Suited for any injection route to target any organ. Safe: Maintain healthy animals and organs.
Polyplus PEI转染试剂
Optimized PEI-based transfection reagent for scalable virus production. Superior viral titers compared to other commercial PEIs and Calcium Phosphate. Suitable for Process Development of large-scale
QuickShuttle 系列转染试剂的两个最主要特点是:(1)可以在贴壁细胞传代后尚未贴壁时立即进行转染;(2)转染操作可在一分钟内完成。 特别适合用于快速大量瞬时转染表达目的蛋白,或大量制备各种病毒载体和假病毒。
AMAXA 核转试剂盒
AMAXA 核转试剂盒是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理AMAXA 核转试剂盒
293fectin 转染试剂
293fectin Transfection Reagent is a proprietary, cationic lipid-based formulation for transfecting DNA into eukaryotic cells. This reagent is optimized for transfecting suspension 293 human embryonic
DNAfectin Plus 转染试剂
Product Name:DNAfectin Plus Transfection, Reagent. Full Product Name:DNAfectin Plus Transfection Reagent.
amaxa nucleofector转染试剂盒
amaxa nucleofector转染试剂盒是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理amaxa nucleofector转染试剂盒
lonza amaxa电转试剂盒
lonza amaxa电转试剂盒是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理lonza amaxa电转试剂盒